Press releases
The last five databases
To promote transparency and provide information, the Federal Planning Bureau regularly publishes the methods and results of its works. The publications are organised in different series, such as Outlooks, Working Papers and Planning Papers. Some reports can be consulted here, along with the Short Term Update newsletters that were published until 2015. You can search our publications by theme, publication type, author and year.
Forecasts & Outlook - OPHERMREG1501 (fr), (nl),
Forecasts & Outlook - Economic outlook 2015-2016 (June)
Forecasts & Outlook - Economic outlook 2015-2020 (fr), (nl), (fr), (nl), (fr), (fr), (fr), (fr), (nl), (nl), (nl), (nl),
Forecasts & Outlook - Economic outlook 2015-2020 0 (fr), (nl),
The Federal Planning Bureau and Statistics Belgium have updated their demographic projections until 2060. Belgium’s population should grow from 11.2 million in 2014 to 11.9 million in 2030 (+7%) and 13.1 million in 2060 (+17%). The number of private households in Belgium should rise from 4.8 million in 2013 to 5.3 million in 2030 (+10%) and 5.9 million in 2060 (+23%).
These results are based on a set of hypotheses regarding the future evolution of birth and death rates, international and domestic migration and, as far as households are concerned, the evolution of the different ways of living together. One chapter of the publication deals with prospective mortality rates, which allows projecting « period » life expectancies (cross-sectional approach) and « generational » life expectancies (cohort approach).
Forecasts & Outlook - EFPOP1460 (fr), (nl),
Forecasts & Outlook - Economic outlook 2015 (fr), (nl),
Every three years, the Federal Planning Bureau presents the long-term energy projections for Belgium. This fifth edition simulates the implementation of the EU Climate and Energy legislative Package at the level of the Belgian energy system by 2020. However, this exercise is not limited to 2020, but projects the evolution of the system until 2050.
Forecasts & Outlook - EFEN2014 (fr), (nl),
Forecasts & Outlook - Economic outlook 2014-2015 (fr), (nl),
Forecasts & Outlook - OPHERMREG1401 (fr), (nl),
Forecasts & Outlook - Economic outlook 2014-2019 (fr), (nl),
Forecasts & Outlook - Economic outlook 2014-2015 (June)
Forecasts & Outlook - Economic outlook 2014-2019 (march) (fr), (nl),
The Federal Planning Bureau and the Directorate-General Statistics and Economic Information have updated their demographic projections until 2060. Belgium’s population should grow from 11.1 million in 2013 to 11.9 million in 2030 (+7%) and 12.5 million in 2060 (+13%). The number of private households in Belgium should rise from 4.8 million in 2013 to 5.3 million in 2030 (+11%) and 5.8 million in 2060 (+21%).
Forecasts & Outlook - EFPOP1360 (fr), (nl),
Forecasts & Outlook - Economic outlook 2014 (fr), (nl),
This new outlook for the world economy is based on the Belgian Federal Planning Bureau’s NIME model and covers the period 2013-2024. The projection indicates that there should be a limited growth rebound over the period 2013-2016. Over this period, economic growth should allow a closing of the euro area’s output gap, even though world economic growth should continue to be driven mainly by countries other than those of the EU, the United States and Japan. In the longer run, world growth should decline due to a general slowdown in productivity growth, but also due to unfavourable demographic trends.
It should be noted that these 2013-2024 projections for the world economy do not serve as input for the Federal Planning Bureau’s short-term forecasts and medium-term projections for Belgium. Indeed, these latter rely on various ad hoc methodologies and integrate international forecasts from institutions such as the EU Commission, the OECD and the IMF.
Forecasts & Outlook - NIME 01-13 (en),
Forecasts & Outlook - Economic outlook 2013-2014 (fr), (nl),
Forecasts & Outlook - OPHERMREG1302 (fr), (nl),
Forecasts & Outlook - Economic outlook 2013-2014 (June)
Forecasts & Outlook - OPHERMREG1301 (fr), (nl),
Forecasts & Outlook - EFPOP2013 (fr), (nl),
Forecasts & Outlook - Economic outlook 2013-2018 (fr), (nl),
Forecasts & Outlook - Economic forecasts 2013 (fr), (nl),
Forecasts & Outlook - Economic forecasts 2012 - 2013 (fr), (nl),
Forecasts & Outlook - FORTRANSP_01 (fr), (nl),
The Federal Planning Bureau’s new outlook for the world economy presents projection results for the main economic areas of the world over the period 2012-2020. The projection assumes a stable institutional framework in the European Union and the absence of any balance sheet consolidation that would be severe enough to have lasting effects on GDP growth rates. In such a framework, the projection for the euro area indicates that moderate growth in final domestic demand and positive real net exports should generate moderate real GDP growth over the period 2012-2020. Output growth should be strong enough to outpace the rise in potential output, thus closing the area’s output gap by 2017. The closing of the output gap would be accompanied by a decline in the area’s unemployment rate, which should fall back to its pre-crisis level. At the same time, consumer price inflation should pick up, reaching by 2020 a level compatible with the European Central Bank’s inflation target. The budgetary consolidation measures that are assumed in the projection should lead to primary surpluses that would allow for a decline in the area’s gross public sector debt-to-GDP ratio.
Forecasts & Outlook - NIME 01-12 (en),