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The Institution

The Federal Planning Bureau (FPB) is an independent public agency. It draws up studies and projections on economic, social and environmental policy issues and on the integration of these policies within a context of sustainable development.

Ekaterina Tarantchenko



  • Social protection, demography and prospective studies

CV & Publicaties

  • Minimum regulations, pension credits and the gender pension gap

    This report shows that minimum regulations (minimum pensions and the minimumright per career year) and pension credits diminish pension inequality between men and women. If we assume that there are no minimum regulations, the pension gap would be 37% instead of 31%. If we assume that pension credits are not granted, the gap would be 43% instead of 31%. The pension credit part-time work with maintenance of pension rights, one specific type of pension credit, has a limited impact. Without this pension credit, the pension gap would increase with 0.4 percentage points.

    REP_12936 [30/01/2024]
  • Columns G and H of the supplementary table on pension schemes in social insurance (Table 29)

    The supplementary table 29 of the Eurostat transmission program covers the statutory and occupational pension schemes in social insurance in Belgium. The FPB is charged with the compilation of columns G and H, which include accrued-to-date pension entitlements/liabilities in the statutory pension schemes, representing the present discounted value of accrued-to-date future old-age and survivor pensions of current beneficiaries and future beneficiaries who accumulated pension rights up to the valuation date.

    REP_T29_12928 [22/12/2023]
  • Columns G and H of the supplementary table on pension schemes in social insurance (Table 29) - First pillar pensions in Belgium

    The supplementary table 29 of the Eurostat transmission program covers the statutory and occupational pension schemes in social insurance in Belgium. The FPB is charged with the compilation of columns G and H, which include accrued-to-date pension entitlements/liabilities in the statutory pension schemes, representing the present discounted value of accrued-to-date future old-age and survivor pensions of current beneficiaries and future beneficiaries who accumulated pension rights up to the valuation date.

    This version of the report of January 2021 is an update of the version originally posted on the FPB website in December 2020. New estimates have been made with the assumption of a fixed discount rate of 2% for the baseline scenario and 1 and 3% for the sensitivity analysis.

    REP_12213 [16/02/2021]
  • Medium-term projection for Belgium of the at-risk-of-poverty and social exclusion indicators based on EU-SILC

    The Federal Planning Bureau has developed within the Nowcasting project a dynamic microsimulation model for nowcasting and medium-term forecasts (currently up to 2020) of indicators of poverty and social exclusion. Key messages of this project are that nowcasting and medium-term forecasting are now possible using a fully dynamic microsimulation model. The provisional results of the model suggest that the overall poverty risk would remain stable, but that of the 65+ subpopulation would decrease over time, while that of the younger population would show a small increase. Furthermore, the increase of overall ine-quality would come to a halt and the level of inequality would become more stable. Finally, the very low work intensity rate would continue its decrease, driven by the continuing increase of the employment rate among the working-age population.

    Working Paper 03-19 [28/02/2019]
  • Description et utilisation du modèle EXPEDITION
    Beschrijving en gebruik van het model EXPEDITION

    Dans le cadre de l’exercice de chiffrage des programmes électoraux, l’impact sur le revenu disponible d’un certain nombre de mesures proposées par les partis politiques sera calculé à l’aide de microdonnées administratives. Une telle approche permet d’isoler l’effet des mesures étudiées selon des caractéristiques des individus et des ménages. Les mesures pour lesquelles l’impact sur le revenu disponible sera chiffré relèvent du domaine de la sécurité sociale et de l’aide sociale complété par la réglementation relative aux allocations familiales, par les règles de cotisation et de retenue appliquées à ces allocations et par les règles en matière d’impôt des personnes physiques. L’instrument utilisé pour ces calculs est le modèle de microsimulation EXPEDITION. Le présent document décrit les caractéristiques principales de ce modèle et en illustre le fonctionnement à l’aide de deux simulations.

    In het kader van de doorrekeningsoefening wordt de impact van een aantal beleidsmaatregelen, voorgesteld door de politieke partijen, op het beschikbaar inkomen berekend met behulp van administratieve microgegevens. Deze aanpak laat toe om de impact van de bestudeerde maatregelen te verbijzonderen naar individuele en huishoudkarakteristieken. De beleidsmaatregelen waarvan de impact op het beschikbaar inkomen wordt doorgerekend zijn maatregelen die zich situeren binnen het domein van de sociale zekerheid en sociale bijstand, aangevuld met de regelgeving inzake kinderbijslag, de bijdrage- en inhoudingsregels die toegepast worden op deze uitkeringen en de regels inzake personenbelasting. Het instrument dat voor deze berekeningen wordt ingezet is het microsimulatiemodel EXPEDITION. De voorliggende nota beschrijft de belangrijkste eigenschappen van het model EXPEDITION en illustreert de werking van het model op basis van twee simulaties.

    DC2019_WP_03 [21/12/2018]
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