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 JEL GuideEconomische ontwikkeling, technologische veranderingen en groeiEconomische groei en geaggregeerde productiviteitOne, Two, and Multisector Growth Models [O41]


  • Les déterminants de l’innovation dans une petite économie ouverte : le cas de la Belgique
    Determinants of innovation in a small open economy: the case of Belgium [29/06/2008]

    Deze Working Paper onderzoekt, in samenwerking met een panel van vertegenwoordigers uit 20 Belgische marktsectoren over de periode 1987-2005, het verband tussen de groei van de multifactorproductiviteit (MFP) en drie bepalende factoren die in de economische literatuur aan bod komen: de R&D-inspanningen van de ondernemingen, de scholing van de arbeidskrachten en de verspreiding van de informatie- en communicatietechnologie (ICT). Deze analyse komt tot stand in het kader van het door Aghion en Howitt ontwikkelde model dat de evolutie van de MFP koppelt aan de afstand van de sector tot de mondiale technologische grens.

    Working Paper 11-08
  • Assessing the contribution of ICT to sectoral economic growth in Belgium : a growth accounting analysis (1991-2000) [25/02/2004]

    The objective of this paper is to assess the impact of information and communications technology (ict) on economic performance at the sectoral level in Belgium over the period 1990-2000. The growth accounting approach used in the framework of the neoclassical growth theory for the study of the sources of economic growth will be adopted here in order to quantify the impact of ict use on output and labour productivity growth. Since annual data on ict capital stock are not readily available, we use data from a number of sources to construct this indicator at the sector level for Belgium over the period 1990-2000. Our findings should indicate (i) to which extent ict contributed to output and labour growth at the sectoral level in Belgium in the 1990s and (ii) whether industries making intensive use of ict performed better then non-intensive ict ones over the same period.

    Working Paper 07-04
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