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Deze rubriek toont alle actualiteit m.b.t. het FPB, gaande van de meest recente studies, persberichten, en artikels tot aankondigingen van toekomstige publicaties, workshops, colloquia…

Workshop : 17th Belgian Day for Labour Economists 

The 17th meeting of the Belgian Day for Labour Economists (BDLE) was hosted by the Federal Planning Bureau (FPB) on Friday, October 7th, 2022.

The BDLE aims at improving contacts and facilitating the exchange of expertise between labour economists located in and around Belgium. At the BDLE, sessions will be organised so that researchers have the opportunity to present and discuss their work.


This year’s keynote speaker is Jan Eeckhout, Research Professor of Economics at Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona.


Submissions are closed


Registration is closed.
Participation is free of charge.

Organising committee

Maritza López Novella (FPB) and Antoine Dewatripont (FPB)

Scientific committee

Bart Cockx (UGent), Koen Declercq (UCLouvain-Saint-Louis), Muriel Dejemeppe (UCLouvain), Nick Deschacht (KULeuven-Campus Brussels), François Rycx (ULB), Ilan Tojerow (ULB), Dieter Verhaest (KULeuven), Mélanie Volral (UMons), Sunčica Vujić (UAntwerpen)

Please disseminate this information to everyone who could be interested by this initiative.

For more information:

  Verwante documenten








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